Enrollment » Lottery & Waitlist

Lottery & Waitlist

The Academy of Alameda shall admit all students who wish to attend; however, if the number of pupils who wish to attend The Academy exceeds the school’s capacity, admission, except for existing pupils of The Academy, shall be determined by a public random drawing (lottery).

Families who submitted completed application forms prior to the application deadline will be notified regarding the date, time, and location of the lottery, and rules for the lottery process. The lottery will be held at the school site if the school facility can accommodate all interested parties. Parents and guardians do not have to be present at the lottery in order for their children to participate. The Academy of Alameda will maintain auditable records of the above activities.

Students who are exempt from the lottery are:
  • Children currently attending The Academy of Alameda
  • Children of current Academy staff and board members (not to exceed 10% of The Academy’s Enrollment)

In accordance with Education Code Section 47605(d)(2)(B), admission preferences in the case of a lottery shall be given to the following students in the following order below: 
  1. Siblings of existing students of The Academy of Alameda School
  2. Residents of the Alameda Unified School District
  3. All other students
If there are more applicants than open enrollment spots, students will be placed on a waitlist after a public lottery is held. Waitlist preference shall be given to the following students in the following order below.

Waitlist Admissions Preferences in Order
  1. Siblings of *current students of The Academy of Alameda School
  2. Residents of the Alameda Unified School District
  3. All other students
*Students admitted after the enrollment deadline and all currently enrolled students.
For enrollment questions please email us at:
[email protected]